For any website, your goal is to have visitors stick around and engage, not just scan the home page and leave. Navigation is not so difficult for a basic five page website, but when you have a blog with five posts published every single week, it’s much more difficult to guide readers to some of […]
Metadata: Uniting Baseball Fans and Librarians
Metadata is fundamental to the organization of all types of information: attributes such as title, creator and topic help us identify different works as well as locate and access them through information retrieval tools such as a search engine or library catalog. Although it’s commonly boiled down to a simple definition of “data about data,” […]
Why I’m Waiting to Start My Blog
As I’ve become active on Twitter and participated in Blogchat these past few weeks, people have naturally asked me what I blog about. Great question! I guess I should think about that… What I mean to say is, I’m holding off on starting a personal blog for a little while, and this past Sunday’s chat […]